Code of Advertising Practices

From the beginning Fairview Outdoor has been committed to delivering our advertiser’s message to the right audience. However, this role needs to be balanced by practicing the defense of free speech yet recognizing modern societal standards and and concerns. As a result, Fairview Outdoor recognizes the need to balance these demands and therefore adheres to the following code of advertising practices:

  • Establish clear areas which prohibit advertising the sale of illegal products to minors within 500 feet of established places of worship, primary and secondary schools or playgrounds.
  • Recognize content that could be construed as misleading, sexually explicit, overly suggestive, or in any way reflects upon the character, integrity, or could be considered offensive to any organization or individual.
  • Continue our original commitment at both the national and local levels to display public service messages for community and organizational causes.
  • Encourage diversity of advertised goods and services in all markets.
  • Request Information