Design Specifications: Digital


14 x 48 LED Display

Mechanical Specs:

200 x 704 pixels
2.778 H x 9.778 W
RGB / 72 DPI


JPG No bleeds are necessary.


Make your messages bold, in both content and font format. Your message should be read and comprehended in the matter of seconds or the message is wasted and ineffective. Keep it short and sweet. Simple and to the point. Use few words as possible.

Here are some helpful tips:

  • Use short, easy to understand words.
  • Steer away from complex or highly decorative fonts as they are difficult to read at a distance.
  • Stick to larger, bold font sizes and keep spacing in between words loose.

Color is Strategic:

With today’s LED technology, white isn’t the white that we know. White is projected as a specific pantone, or mixture of color, rather than no color. Rather than using plain colors, stick to bold and aggressive colors that are eye-catching.

  • High contrast means better visibility.
  • Slight color differences may not look as desired once printed.
  • True white backgrounds will display an off white, or unclean white.
  • Very pale colored backgrounds will wash out text.

Immediate Branding

It’s important to keep logos and branding large and as clean and as visible as possible. This will be one of the most important things on your ad that you want seen. This will also lead to immediate brand recognition. Any graphic elements that you want to include should also be easy to read and notice in order to stick to the point. Any graphic elements or images that may appear “busy” will not work well.

Advertisement Should Be Simple

Outdoor advertising, whether print or digital, is still outdoor. Therefore, simplicity is key. Think of a single, unique idea or message. Then simplify it. Simplify it and make it bigger at the same time. Then make it bigger, make it bolder, maximize the contrast, email your file and done! Then, you can start on another.


  • Font sizes and weights should be increased as much as readability allows in order to maximize visibility from afar.
  • Images should have easy focal points.
  • Rich, bold colors work best during natural daylight.
  • Pastels work better at night, where color contrast is an absolute must.
  • LEDs provide flexibility and the ability to digitally post your message quicker than any other medium. As a result, you can use this to your advantage when designing your ad. You can even change your message monthly, weekly, or quarterly in order to gain full effect.
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